Curry-Howard Correspondence in Coq

What is Curry-Howard Correspondence and how does the type system of Coq implement it.

Curry-Howard Correspondence

Curry-Howard Correspondence draws relationship between the type theory (computer program) and the logics (proof). In short, 'a proof is a program, and the formula it proves is the type of the program'.

One can easily observe the similarity between formalizations in various fields. Take currying as an example:

The first line is the formalization of currying in type theory, where produces product / pair / tuple type, or (T, U), and denotes a function. The second line is the logic formalization, where is the logical and operator and is the material implication operator. The correspondence is obvious.

The operation behaves like exponential. So a further and more unified abstraction could be:

(conjunction) (product type, tuples)
(disjunction) (sum type, enums)
(implication) (functions)
(universal qualification) (generalized product type)
(existential qualification) (generalized sum type)
(true)(unit type)
(false) (bottom type)

Generalized product and sum types sound a little bit odd. They are dependent types, which allows you to build types out of values. Generalized product types are the type of functions that take values and return types that varies according to the value, while generalized sum types are the type of tuples that the type of the second element varies according to the value of the first element (maybe you can treat the first element as an enum discriminant). With an extra order / generalization, the product types behave like functions (exponential-like), and the sum types behave like product ones.

Coq's Type System

As a logic programming language, Coq (or Galina, to be exact) does incorporate logical propositions into its type system.

(value) -> (type) -> `Type`

(proof) -> (prop) -> `Prop`

In the graph above, () denotes a kind in general, and -> denotes 'has type of'. If something has type of T, then it is annotated with : and T on the righthand side in Coq. Type and Prop are two specific types.

Types and Values

This is a definition of a type, nat.

Inductive nat : Type (*1*) := 
  | O (*2*)
  | S (*3*) (n : nat (*4*) ).

As a type, nat has the type of Type(1). This nat type has two contructors, O(2) and S(3). The O constructor take no arguments, so a O constructor constructs a value of type nat directly, while the S constructor takes a nat as argument, but the return type does not depend on that argument, just a nat. So you can annotate it with : as follows:

Inductive nat : Type := 
  | O : nat
  | S (n : nat) : nat.


A generic type, list, can be definined in a similar fashion.

Inductive list (X: Type) (*1*) : Type :=
  | nil : list X
  | cons (head: X) (tail: list X) : list X.

The generic type parameter is promoted to the lefthand side of :(1), which turns the list identifier into a Type -> Type function. This parameter X is now shared between all constructors of list. You have to construct a list like:

Compute (cons nat 1 (nil nat)). (* [1] *)

Propositions and Proofs

Then let's head over to the logics and proofs part. This is the definition of the True proposition.

Inductive True : Prop (*1*) :=
  | I : True (*2*).

Just like the nat case, True has the type of Prop(1), the type of all propositions, and it has one constructor I that constructs a True proposition with no parameters(2). Constructors of propositions build proofs.

Binding: Parameters and Indices

A more complex example is the ev property, a Prop dependent on a natural number.

Inductive ev : nat -> Prop (*1*) :=
  | ev_0 : ev 0 (*2*)
  | ev_SS (n : nat) (H : ev n (*3*)) : ev (S (S n)) (*4*).

Beware the type annotation of ev. Instead of using (n: nat) : Prop, which moves the natural number to the parameter side, the nat appears on the right side (the index side), nat -> Prop(1). And the ev_0 constructor returns the dependent type ev 0(2), which is a narrowed type from Prop.

What will happen if you use (n: nat) : Prop? Then n will be bound, instead of free. Check the following example:

Inductive ev (n: nat) : Prop :=
	| ev_0 : ev ... (*1*)
	(* ... *)

Now each ev binds its own, specific n provided within parameters, and that n can be a value other than 0. So you cannot call ev 0 at mark (*1*), because this inner ev call now only accepts this specific n as argument, or you will get a type mismatch. In contrary, : nat -> Prop introduces an arbitrary natural number as parameter, so with any specific n0, ev n0 is compatible with this arbitrary ev n. The semantics of a nat parameter on ev is weird: we will have an infinite list of incompatible properties, even_2, even_4 and so on.

Thus constructors can further narrow the type definition index side. According to the type system, ev_0 is a proof, just like I, and ev 0 is a proposition, just like True. Theev_SS constructor has the type of forall n: nat, ev n -> ev (S (S n)). It takes a natural number and a proof that n is even (3) and returns a proof stating the proposition that S (S n) is even(4).

We are not defining any concrete calculations (or functions) for the proof. Instead, we only describe the relation. Everything just happens in the type system. Notice that we are leveraging dependent types to narrow the type.

Binding: Scope

In the ev example, we move nat from the parameter side to the index side to make it a free variable instead of a bound one. A parameter defined on the type itself(1) has a scope that covers the whole Inductive definition. In Coq, you can introduce bound variables in inner scopes(2). Take the definition of existence as an example:

Inductive ex (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) : Prop :=
	| ex_intro : forall x : A, P x -> ex A P.

In the ex_intro constructor, we introduced a binded variable x whose type is A. Its scope is limited to the constructor, the exist proposition itself does not depend on the value of x, but the proof does.

The following definition is equivalent. It moves x from the index side to the parameter side. As the correspondence suggests, the universal qualification forall (x: A), ... is the same thing as the generalized product type (x: A) -> ....

Inductive ex (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) : Prop :=
	| ex_intro (x: A) : P x -> ex A P.

The following theorem in first order logic corresponds with the Coq definition of ex. is a predicate whence doesn't occur freely. In the case of ex_intro, is ex A P, while is P x. The lefthand side is exactly our ex_intro constructor.